Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Pursuit of Unhappiness

In watching people and listening to them, a common theme follows through for so many people. Seems they focus on things that stress them, things that are negative, they find the bad and the ugly in their life and of those around them. In focusing on what is wrong, what is bad, what "evil" befalls them, they perhaps unintentionally end up pursuing the much less elusive bluebird of UNhappiness. It is a large issue to be around people that seem to find almost everything wrong within their life and the lives of others. I try to avoid the pitfall of spending a great deal of time around such individuals. Their drama and doom and gloom punctuate things in the wrong manner. Certainly bad karma occurs within all of our lives, but mourn whatever the situation is in a timely manner and move forward as best as you can to get out of the drama ditch.

After a while of reading my missives here on blog-land, you will see I painstakingly move towards finding the positive. In even some of the most difficult situations, we can find the lesson contained within. We use the lesson to avoid repeating the mistakes when we can, and use the armor we obtain to protect us in sieges that may occur down the road for us and others in our lives. Some folks never seem to get this lesson at all. They cling steadfastly to the errors in their lives and keep repeating what went wrong. This I akin to "shampoo" and that lather, rinse, repeat cycle. Maybe you need to condition that "hair", or maybe change brands, to make the end result one that is pleasing to experience, as well as share with others. I think I make my point pretty crystal clear here for certain.

I am no PollyAnna with rose-colored glasses, just someone who has learned some of life's lessons, and utilized the material within them to move forward and make my life and others a bit better in one way or another. What works for me may not work for you, and vice verse, but when you do not like what is on your plate, then you need to look at the total picture instead of consuming the same old same old each and every day. Change is difficult, but once you dip your toes in the water and test it, you will be surprised at the difference even a small change can make, and go on to try bigger and more life-changing ones!

~balance in everything~

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