There comes a time in everyone's life where you get caught up in the undertow and it feels as though you will never be released from the vortex you are caught in. I am thankful those times in my life are few and far between. Watching others in their struggles can often be nearly as difficult and a slippery slope to try to scale to assist the other person. You see, the key is you need to walk beside them and offer someone and something to hold onto, but in reality that other person has to truly do the work to get themselves released from that negative undercurrent. Sounds easy, but in most cases it truly is not. We tend to get so self-absorbed in the entire situation when we are floundering, that we lose perspective on where we have been, where we are and where we need to go. No one truly enjoys misery and being in the gloomies, but raising oneself from the "dead" is a hard lift to begin and complete. It takes strength, courage and pure determination to chip away at it, one step at a time. It seems to me one if the most difficult aspects is stepping outside of oneself, peering back in and figuring out the steps and path to take to begin the journey one needs to undertake. For me, that involved becoming cognizant of my strengths and weaknesses, and radically accepting the situation at hand. For me, I also needed to learn to assist others in their plights, for in aiding others one gains a sense of purpose and increases their self worth to a degree that buoys and lifts them, giving the needed energy to continue one's own personal life journey. I learn so much from my own struggles, as well as from others . But one needs to remember to also focus on achievements, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem at the time. Each small degree of climb out of the depths brings us closer to brighter days and better times, which is why stepping outside of oneself is so very critical to success in ones own personal journey. Humans are truly not designed nor meant to journey through life without the support, company and wisdom of others. Solitary journeys sometimes are good, but most often we need others to make for a truly satisfying and meaningful experience.
~Balance in all things~