It is over a week into the year 2015, as usual I did not make New Year's Resolutions, nor do I intend to. In my humble opinion, when change needs to be made it means you are choosing to have a different outcome from the current one trending in your life. For example, you are arriving late to work nearly every day and you as well as your employer are not liking this it means that you need to seriously look at the entire picture and change things for the better. Perhaps you are not getting enough sleep, maybe you need to set things out the night or evening before to make your transition from home to work less of a helter-skelter approach and one that is better planned and less anxiety producing.For some maybe you are out partying too late, and you need to reign this in or risk not have the financial means to go out at all, or even worse.
Perhaps you want your health better, so you plan more nutritious meals, get more exercise, hydrate with plenty of water and make regular visits to your healthcare provider. Thinking positively in all respects of one's life can assist one in having a better life almost immediately.Stop worrying about others opinions and actions, take care of your own life and do so well and with fervor. Plan to judge others less and concentrate on how you can help others to have the life they want to have , in doing this you create a positive ripple and get back as much as you give out in all honesty.
I have grown tired of selfish, self-involved individuals. It is the preoccupation with the ME that ends up creating a disharmonious and unhappy life. My own recent obsession with some individuals that used to be in my life and reasoning why I never hear from them, get included in plans and activities they talk about us doing was causing me a lot of negativity and generating poor effects rather than what I want in my life. In concentrating on these few people it was eating up time , energy and thought better spent on more positive pursuits and preoccupations in my life. In short, my poor choice was creating feelings of resentment, hostility, anger and loneliness. I realized I have control of whom I have contact with or choose to reach out to.When making good and sound choices, my end result is most always better. Certainly there are some facets of my life where I cannot control whom I have contact with, but when I put my best foot forward and make the contact limited and positive, the final deal is better than it could have been.
So I am resolving to change, not a list of specific activities most people plan and let fall by the wayside early into the New Year. Such change requires thought, planning and then execution, or action if you will. Part of my personal resolve is to disengage myself from as much negative thought and interaction as I am humanly capable of. I also resolve to remain in close and regular contact with those who I care about and for. I hope to be able to continue to give my all to remain grateful and positive in my life and hope that the pattern rubs off on others that want the same.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Balance in everything~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~