Laundry and Life

Sitting here awaiting the completion of the wash cycles sure gives me time to contemplate many things. For nearly two months I have come to the laundromat to wash my duds and linens. The demise of my washer and dryer just days apart made this weekly journey a necessity . The most laborious part of this weekly endeavor is getting it to my vehicle. Most weeks I have accomplished that feat with the able assistance of the two sons and "da nephew", that too has been a blessing. Most times they also tote it in when I return . Getting many loads washed and dried in less time than at home has been a blessing as well. This time away is well-spent, never quite the same way twice. One time I had a lively and lovely conversation with a woman my age and in a similar life-mode. We found common ground immediately and enjoyed some great exchanges of life stories and ideas. Sometimes eccentric individuals engage me in conversation, and even these conversations are interesting and provide needed adult contact with the world outside of my co-workers and home dwellers. The routines many keep surrounding their laundry are often interesting and entertaining, in short, each time here has been enriching in its own unique manner . I guess I am glad for the difference this unexpected change in my domestic routine has given me. I know it will be some time before I get the cash together to purchase a new laundry pair, but even the thoughts of that have given me fertile ideas and plans to hopefully execute in the future. I guess I never expected the displeasure over the demise of my two most used appliances to make a difference, but it has. Take today, I have had the time and opportunity to work on a blog entry. I enjoy my blog writing, and though I will never earn money doing this, I enjoy crafting my tale, developing the story and putting the words to "paper", then committing the words to a blog posting. In this case, I am entering my words on my trusty IPhone . Though the keyboard is small, it is easy to enter the words, edit and make the final copy to be set down as another entry in my ramblings. Though I am not a "writer" as such, I feel pride and satisfaction in producing my little vignettes. Do they make a difference? Sure, for me, mostly, but someone may read and it may inspire them to some sort of realization or action in their own lives. Just as I enjoy cooking, I cannot call myself a Chef, and though I sew and create seeing, needlework and other fabric arts, I am by no means an artist. Despite this, all my activities bring meaning to my life and make me the person I am and strengthen my mind, body and soul. I do these things for me, not to impress others. Life is too short to worry about pretentious acts to make others think I am anything but what and who I am.
In the humbling act of weekly laundry, I have found gratitude, solitude and enrichment, things I never found when staying within the walks of my home and completing the same ritual. It makes me proud of my strength, my abilities and my keen mind ever churning and making sense out of life's daily actions. Truly simplicity can find one grace and fortitude to keep marching forward with life's challenges , they are put there for reason and rhyme, of that I am certain.
~Balance in all things~
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