Recently I had a good portion of time off, I had hoped to rekindle and reconnect some old friendships. I managed to meet with one friend after over a year of non-contact, we had a great time, and have vowed to meet monthly for coffee and chat, maybe even inexpensive lunch and chat. We found ourselves at the same place we had left off, like a well-loved book that we could pick up and read again and again. I managed to also get a couple phone chats in with other friends and we made plans to meet in the Fall, when their busy summer lives slow down. Another friend I managed to chat online with, her daughter is soon to be married and she has showers to attend and preparations to complete for the blessed event. A former co-worker from my last job and I have made plans to meet in August for Thai lunch and conversation. I love hearing of his young family and the adventures they have experienced. As a father of three, he leads a busy life as does his wife. I am grateful to have stayed connected with so many and cannot begin to recount the many ways they have enhanced my life.
Lately I have longed for some of the happiness found in the past in my childhood. I reminisce about games we used to play, board games especially. There was also a time as a single young woman I played cards with my upstairs landlord/maintenance man and his wife, Jack and Linda Ray. We played Pitch and Poker, had snacks and even drank some beers and wine. It was great to have two people right in the building that were fun to get together with and just comfortably chat and enjoy one another's company.Linda developed cancer and became very ill, they moved away many years ago with their young daughter Andrea. Many times I have wished to re-connect with any of them, it would be nice to see what has occurred in all their lives. Until fall of 2008, I played cards about once per month with a group of people from two jobs ago. It was much fun, despite one person who was a genuine PITA, but everyone deserves chances, so we kept her in our group and she was okay much of the time.
Lots of my fun times go back to even school days,elementary, high , and college days. My friend Debbie and I met at college, and we formed a bond and had great times out on Friday nights. She now lives in Minnesota and I have recently checked in with me online and we share a bit of conversation on Facebook. I am thankful that social networking has kept me connected with many people I have met throughout my life from my days in kindergarten, and right up to the present.People I graduated from high school with have reconnected online, and its a blessing in so many ways. High school was a rough ride for me, grade wise I did well, graduated 11th or 13th out of a class of approximately 100. Not too shabby. The teen years were not my fondest times, as an overweight teen girl with acne and a relentless amount of teasing from one male in particular, I would not go back through those years for anything. In fact, my 40th reunion in 2013 was not one I attended.
I look forward to the times I can continue to re-connect with my buddies from the past, some long ago past people as well as recent friends. I will take every opportunity I can to meet with those important to and for me, there really is no excuse not to find time for people. We all lead busy lives, and can manage to squeeze in a little time here and there for one another. Especially I think I need and want to do this because one never knows what life may bring us and when we might move on to other horizons, either in life or beyond life. I do not want to say I wish I had, I would rather say I am glad I did. As the old saying goes, if you want someone in your life you can always make a little time for them. One of my long standing friends is in Myrtle Beach this week with grandkids helping with Little League trip down there, and we will meet after her return the first week in August. My other dear friend from my work days at HPC, is busy with grand kids and great grand kids this summer, and when school begins again, we can meet and have one of our long lunches, once again, opening our book to that same page we left off on.
Some past delights cannot ever be re-established, due to many circumstances. Many things are fond memories, and we tend to remember the very best and the very worst of times, it is the in-between times I find to be hazy in my recollection process. I also know that there are many current and future delights yet to come , and I am looking forward to entering those in my book of memories to fuel me when I am an old woman. Which, by the way, is not too far off judging by the amount of gray hair I have! So, think of who and what you need to do to rekindle old friendships, keep current ones strong, and foster future ones. It is a plan you will not regret.
1 comment:
Nice post. I remember what you went through in high school. I was pleasantly surprised by our 40th class reunion--we've all grown up. I miss the days when we played Scrabble, had tea and shortbread, and went to Shuckers in Skaneateles for all-you-can-eat crab night. We (I) really need to make more of an effort to resume our face-to-face relationship. You were such a major part of my life for so many years.
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