Monday, September 19, 2016

Respectfully Yours

I recall a time when life was simpler, or else I had less knowledge and worries. A time where people were courteous and respectful to one another and thought before they spoke or acted. If you really wanted to know someone's opinion, you asked it and most times they gave it and in a decent manner for the most part. If you did not want an opinion most times no one gave it to you unsolicited. People had troubles, sure, but most did not feel the need to publicize them and try to elicit pity or a cheering squad. You knew people well enough to know and support them as you could and would. You knew people well enough, those close to you at least, to know their dislikes, likes and the like. You may not always have agreed, but you chose to be respectful and appreciate their choices as best you could.  It was a slower time in terms of technology, but looking things up manually was not as horrid as one might think.  We played outside, rode bikes places and had no gadgetry to speed up meal preparation, and no digital dictionary. We added numbers using pen and pencil on paper, calculators came later, but were seldom allowed in exams.We spent time with one another, friends made time for each other, family had meaning and was not placed on the back burner. We were busy then also, but in a different way. Perhaps many of my memories translate to the way I was brought up, and our value systems are all different as day and night. Seems a key element is that is missing is simple respect for all people and things.

Recently as I peruse social media pages, I am happy to see so many acquaintances and see their mostly positive posts. A few closer friends as well as family are there as well, and I am pleased to be able to see their posts as well as what is going on in their lives. I also have connections from high school days, past workplaces and individuals who either play the same online games I play, or did, and see their postings and mostly enjoy staying abreast of their worlds.On social media, as in everyday day to day real life, there are negativities and things that border on just plain idiotic. I glance at those and move on, grateful to not be in their galaxy any more.Then there is the vague post, where it is a hook to get you involved in their drama du jour.  Politics and causes are rampant, and some of those posts are meaningful and factual, which is a lot more than I can say about much of our media stream these days. It has been enlightening to see who is for what cause or what politico running for office. I care not to discuss politics online, but respect others like of doing so. Other people are like the traveling salesmen of days gone by, selling their wares to the consumer, only in an electronic/digital way. It is an interesting way to access products you wish to own and makes life easy in some ways.Then there are those who like to label themselves and align themselves to a specific group or type of person, for me that is a kin to needing to belong or make an excuse for why they do what and as they do.  For myself, I try to post glimpses into my life as well as memes that I find useful or helpful in some small way. If I do not agree with or like your post I am more likely to send you an offline message than to reply negatively on your page, it is just who I am, and works for me. Most times though I barely know you, now or anymore, so I choose to take no action, unless you have posted something that is an untrue urban legend type of thing, then I might respond and direct you to where you can, and should, check out the validity of what you are so fiercely aligning yourself to or with. Mostly I find recipes I like, products I enjoy, crafts I hope to someday find time for and such pleasantries as that to post to my Pinterest page for perusal at a later time. I might also post something to one of my three adult children's pages that struck a chord for me, as well as family members that are on social media. Once again the bottom line comes down to respect, and I have been guilty of not giving that sometimes. I strive to keep my respect meter in place, and sometimes will comment, then quickly either not hit the enter button, or remove said post in a short time. I guess for the most part I want to create as much harmony in a world where the disharmonious seems oh so rampant and out of control lately.

You may ask why do I blog such as I am right now. Its a need I have to put my thoughts and feelings out in the written word. I am not a novelist nor an author, no intentions of being either. I am a human and have a love of words and writing my feelings out into words that are cohesive, at least to me. You may choose to read or ignore, and I respect your decision to do what is best for you in this matter and all things in life, provided it hurts no one else. With that I remain, respectfully yours. 

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