Sunday, March 12, 2017

Time(s) A Changin'

We turned our clocks ahead one hour this morning at 2 AM. From reading a few social media posts as well as "acquaintances" blog posts, one would think this is the beginning of the end for some, To me it is just another example of useless bemoaning of a simple one hour issue. I am sure there are some that can point out the ill effects of this one hour time change, and feel free to comment and state what these issues are. Personally, I feel it is just more of the usual whining, complaining and griping most folks seem to do. The effect it has on me is minimal, I admit I enjoy looking at the clock and seeing the longer daylight hours. The clock is where the change is, and so many live by the clock and have to. Those of us  that work have a time clock to punch, unless we are in a job where exact work start and stop are not regulated. I have had both kinds of jobs, clock dependent and non-clock dependent, personally, I prefer the clock dependent kind. My work day begins and ends in an orderly fashion, which for this lover of routine is a good thing. I thrive on routine and order, chaos still enters my life, but with my environment controlled as much as I can, it is less damaging to me.Anyone that knows me, which today is only a hand full of folks, realizes my love of order which for me keeps life's issues at a minimum.This works for ME, though I do not recommend this lifestyle for everyone, one needs to find and adapt what works for THEM.

Hating daylight savings time (DST), is akin to the Monday haters out there, along with those that live for Friday afternoon and the weekend.It is like everyone has to have an issue to gripe about and moan and groan they do. If the worst thing life hands you is a one hour shift in your day ONCE per year, the horrid thing of needing to get up every Monday and begin another week of work, then consider yourself lucky and blessed. Finding what is wrong with life and the situations we encounter seem to be the focus and purpose in many life of so many people. Why not flip it and find what is right in life,and focus on that instead? While not all will agree or be able to adapt this mode of thinking, why not try? Since life is what we make it, why not make it the best it can be? In closing, one also has to remember that the universe does not revolve around each of us, it is a broader picture than that. If we think of others some of the time, perhaps our gripes and complaints might be better placed in perspective. Enough said...enjoy your day, enjoy your life, whatever you choose to do.

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