Monday, March 21, 2011

Methodical Monday

Here I am again at the beginning of a new week, well for a third shift worker this is my Tuesday morning.Firmly settled into third shift functioning, my morning is your night. My work day your sleep time, my breakfast time, your dinner time. Kind of like being on the opposite side of the world in some respects.On my days off my time reverts to that of what most individuals follow. This way I get to see and interact with my three adult children, spend meaningful time with my partner Rick and see friends for lunch, commiseration and just plain catching up on life in general that has elapsed.

I have become accustomed to my routine, and I keep to a schedule to keep my psyche as well balanced as possible. It also keeps my home organized and running smoothly.Some folks I am acquainted with see little or no value in keeping to a schedule. More than one time I have been called predictable and accused of not having any "fun". I challenge those individuals to relate that they feel as composed and even-keeled as I do. This is not to say that this works for everyone, but some routine is needed to keep feet firmly planted in the ground and moving forward. True some folks can fly by the seat of their pants, but for the lions-share of us, we thrive and are nurtured on order and regimentation.

Its all along the line of KISS...Keep It Simple Stupid. Figure out what will work in your situation, make a plan and adapt it in your life. It will take some time to get all the details ironed out, and some more time to institute the plan, but once it is repeated several times, it makes life and the pursuit of happiness flow in the direction you want it to. Sure one needs to change things up and go off the grid from time to time, but keeping to the PLAN can keep you grounded, content and ready to do those spontaneous things we remember more easily than the daily grind.

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