Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday Monday

As the Mamas and the Papas sang, can't trust that day. Actually it has little or nothing to do with the day, but more with the attributes people tag to the beginning of a new week.It goes along with so many that gripe and whine about their job, their partner in life, their life in general, they just seem to like to be malcontent and despise this and that. Truth is, find what you really do not like and work on changing it. Of course that takes time and so many of us do not want to wait for anything. We want to have instant gratification, good karma that comes without any time passage, or work towards anything that can assist them in changing the course of their life. That is not to state that I am a complete cynic, I know many that persevere and work slowly to make things better. Those same folks are the ones that can find the good in the midst of the eye of the storm. A common thread these people share is that they are concerned for others, and not just concentrated on me, myself and I. It saddens me to see the length people go to for themselves, but they neglect their fellow humans and step around them and their issues , turning a blind eye to the plight of others. But I regress to the griping so many others do that I find self-serving and egocentric.

Finding the balance in life is a ponderous task in these tough times we have currently. Caring and concern is difficult to have for others when many feel so downtrodden and suffering. But folks, in getting outside of one's own issues, and helping someone find a glimmer of light at the end of their tunnel, can mean everything to that person at any given moment in time, to say nothing of the feel good boost the helper can feel from just a little time and support to someone else, given without strings, free-floating. When you do find some balance in the day to day balancing act that life so often is, celebrate your victory and share the positive stories with others. I l believe that in creating positive moments, we can nurture many more acts that lead to a paying forward that is priceless in nature.

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